In The Press

An archive of Tina Fordham’s headlines covered by news channels such as Bloomberg, CNN and CNBC and a collection of articles found in publications such as Forbes and the Financial Times.

Kamala Harris: More Than a Vibe Shift? US Foreign Policy Outlook | Tina Fordham on Bloomberg News- July 2024 

Is the momentum behind Kamala Harris more than a vibe shift? How would US foreign policy change under a Harris administration? I had an in-depth conversation with Joumanna Bercetche on Bloomberg News, discussing the geopolitical outlook and the new US political dynamics.

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Can Kamala Harris Win the White House? Tina Fordham on Bloomberg Surveillance – July 2024 

Trump is still favored, but the shift in the Democratic ticket has shaken up Republican plans. Markets are holding steady on Trump, but if Harris can rally young and minority voters and win over anti-Trumpers, the race might change.

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Surprises Democracy Can Bring: Tina Fordham Discusses a Harris White House with Frank Holland, CNBC – July 2024


Harris’s background as a prosecutor and California attorney general strengthens her on law and order, and she has a solid record on gender equality. She’s seen as a political alternative to Trump, potentially re-engaging voters who left Biden, and a foreign policy continuity candidate. It’s too early for “Kamala trades.”

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What Would a President Kamala Harris Mean for US Foreign Policy? Tina Fordham on Bloomberg – July 2024


With Biden not seeking a second term, this question is key for global leaders and investors. I discussed on Bloomberg UK that Harris’s main challenge is presenting a compelling alternative to Trump. Her foreign policy inexperience isn’t the central issue; energizing the race is.

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Investors react to shooting at Trump election rally – July 2024


“The shooting further complicates the election outlook for Democrats, already divided over Biden’s future as a candidate.”
“U.S. political violence is sadly a feature and not a bug. … The question now is how a nation, in which a significant proportion of citizens believe civil war is increasingly likely, will respond.” “We don’t expect there to be an initial reaction in financial markets. If anything, the near-term implication will be the acceleration of the consensus view in markets of a Trump victory.” Tina Fordham

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Markets Will Digest Shock of Trump Attack, John Authers – July 2024


“It’s counter-intuitive to say that this isn’t a game changer , but I don’t think it is,” said Tina Fordham of Fordham Global Foresight. “It’s more data point in a consolidating strengthening trend for Trump.” She added that to truly change an election, shocks generally need to happen much later in the process; there’s a reason why the phrase “October Surprise” is in the political lexicon.

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Trump Shooting Throws a Charged Election Further Into Turmoil,
Matt Peterson – July 2024


“The risk temperature is too high and there are too many wild cards to assume linear trend lines.” Tina Fordham

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How the investment world is trying to navigate geopolitics: Nicholas Megaw, Financial Times – July 2024


“People give more credence to the idea that they need to be more aware of risks, but they’re not actually trading on them.” Tina Fordham, the founder of advisory firm Fordham Global Foresight

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Tina Fordham Discusses French Snap Elections on CNBC with Karen Tso and Arabile Gumede – July 2024


Snap elections in France have kept out the far-right, a welcome outcome. The post-WWII “cordon sanitaire” has endured—thanks to the creation of the cross-party “Front Republicain” that coordinated in close races to keep the right from power. But far from the “clarification” that Macron hoped to achieve from the gambit, what will follow is an extended period of political disarray.

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Election Insights with Tina Fordham:A Discussion with Tom Keene and Paul Sweeney-July 2024


What just happened in elections in France and the UK? Are there any takeaways for the US 2024 elections? These are the key questions about the political outlook that are front of mind for investors. I discussed with the one and only Tom Keene and Paul Sweeney on Bloomberg’s “Bloomberg Surveillance” programme.

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US Outlook & UK Government Changes: My Views in Conversation with Bloomberg’s Vonnie Quinn – July 2024


What are US allies watching for in US2024 elections and why? Why was new UK PM Sir Keir Starmer talking about the government providing help and support to the people, something that surprised my interviewer? Why can’t Team Biden control the evolving narrative? I joined Vonnie Quinn on Bloomberg US to discuss.

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Momentum for Biden to Step Aside Accelerating – July 2024


The red-hot Washington debate over whether President Joe Biden will scrap his run for re-election is spilling into Wall Street. We discuss the chances of Biden pulling out of the race, and whether Kamala Harris has emerged as the clear alternative with Geopolitical Strategist & Founder of Fordham Global Foresight, Tina Fordham and Bloomberg Opinion’s John Authers.

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Biden’s Debate Fallout: Frank Holland Interviews Tina on CNBC- June 2024


“Wow, I’ve never known you Tina to sound alarmist” said Frank Holland in our interview on CNBC US this morning.
And I’m not the only one. The alarms are blaring in the Democratic camp today. Biden’s disastrous performance at the US presidential debate last night has upended the odds and the dynamics of this race. We’ve got a whole new variable in the race which is the pressure now on Biden to step down.

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Fiction, Fantasy, and the 3 Ss: Analysis of the Trump-Biden Debate & European Political Risks – June 2024


I spoke to Bloomberg TV in the US shortly before last night’s Presidential debate, highlighting the importance— for both candidates- of simply remaining standing, being sentient and being mindful of the swipes they’ll take at each other. My prediction that it would be more like a wrestling match than a genteel policy debate turned out to be right. Trump and Biden traded barbs with Biden frequently stuttering and unsure, while Trump served up his customary fare of fiction and fantasy.

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EU Elections: Far Right Gains vs. Centrist Stability – Discussion with Matthew Miller on Bloomberg – June 2024


Lively discussion with the great Matthew Miller (note the impressive fluency of his political acronyms!) on Bloomberg News this week to discuss the EU parliamentary elections. I made the point that while the far right has made gains in these elections, the centre has held firm. We are not seeing a uniform trend across the 27 states and far right parties in Poland, Sweden and the Netherlands did not have a good day at the polls. I see the geopolitical risk premium being limited to France and some specific sectors.

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Political and Market Implications of French Snap Elections: Insights with CNBC’s Frank Holland – June 2024


I spoke with CNBC Frank Holland about the political and market implications, underscoring my view that volatility in French assets is likely to continue through the two rounds of snap French legislative elections June 30 and July 7 announced by French President Macron. His gambit is risky but not quite as “kamikaze” as Rishi Sunak in the U.K.

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Discussing election fallout for Trump with Francine Lacqua: Can he still be the nominee and win? – May 2024


I talked to Francine Lacqua at Bloomberg News this morning about the election fallout for Donald Trump and what most global investors are asking, will Trump still be the nominee? The answer is yes. Can he still run and win? The answer is also yes.

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Election fallout & market reaction: discussing Trump’s conviction with Dominic Chu on CNBC – May 2024


I appeared on CNBC with Dominic Chu and discussed the election fallout and market reaction to Trump’s conviction.

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The New Geopolitical Risk Supercycle

Geopolitical risk is back and rapidly re-shaping the global business environment. Artificially suppressed during the period of super-empowered central banks and historically regarded…

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Following the Rules Podcast

Today’s guest outlines how she expects financial services bosses and the policymakers setting their rules will adapt to a “paradigm shift” in global geopolitics that will see China get increasingly assertive, US more protectionist and Russia more aggressive.

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Bloomberg Surveillance

Tina Fordham talking to Bloomberg Surveillance about the goal for Munich: To project unity on Ukraine to the Kremlin

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Coalition for Global Prosperity

Today I had the pleasure of speaking on a panel entitled “Being a Woman is a Development Superpower” at the Global Britain Summit.

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CNBC Worldwide Exchange

“One of the two or three most important implications of the battle is what it means for raising the U.S. debt ceiling.” @CNBCWEX

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CNN with Rahel Solomon 04-01-22

Discussing the 2023 Global Political Outlook: Firewalking with Rahel Solomon on First Move CNN.

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Dangerous Expectations – November 2022

Following an eventful week in geopolitics, Tina Fordham spoke with Tom Keene in a Bloomberg Surveillance interview to analyse the US midterms and Russia’s growing isolation on the world stage ahead of the G20 summit in Bali.

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Navigating Recession, the Energy Crisis and the New Geopolitical Risk Analysis – October 2022

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) have introduced enormous challenges for businesses large and small. Current events—ranging from the pandemic and supply chain problems to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and its ripple effect on energy supply and inflation—have created a web of complexity.

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Global Family Office Magazine – August 2022

The new era of geopolitical volatility. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has entered its sixth month, marking a second deglobalizing shock to the international system following the COVID-19 pandemic.

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FN London – April 2022

Tina Fordham: ‘As long as Putin is in the Kremlin, global finance will not be able to work with Russia’

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Forbes – March 2022

On International Women’s Day at the Forbes 30/50 Summit, former Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton offered mentoring to geopolitical strategist Tina Fordham.

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Bloomberg Surveillance Podcast – 23rd February 2022

Tom Keene, Jon Ferro, Lisa Abramowicz, and Paul Sweeney have the economy and the markets “under surveillance” as they cover the latest in finance, economics and investment, and talk with the leading voices shaping the conversation around world markets. In this episode, Tina Fordham, Avonhurst Head of Global Political Strategy, doesn’t expect to see a de-escalation between Russia and Ukraine.

Tina’s segment begins at 21:21 / 7:06 remaining

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MKT Call with Guy Adami and Dan Nathan – January 2022

In a special 2022 geopolitical outlook edition of MKT Call, Dan and Guy were joined by Tina Fordham, Partner and Head of Global Political Strategy at Avonhurst LLP, and Mark Loehr, CEO of OpenExchange for a lively discussion of Avonhurst’s 2022 Global Political Outlook.

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London Politica Podcast - November 2021 | FORDHAM GLOBAL INSIGHT

London Politica Podcast – November 2021

A political risk podcast covering emerging trends – In this episode, Manas Chawla interviews Tina Fordham about the changing nature of the political risk industry and delves into some of the most interesting issues presenting globally for 2022.

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Bloomberg – April 2021

Tom Keene talks to Tina Fordham – Vax Populi on Resilience and Relapse (Segment begins at 1:54.25)

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CNBC – July 2020

The pandemic has exposed numerous fault lines in the US that predate the President – Tina Fordham on the upcoming US elections.

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CNBC – June 2020

Markets haven’t priced in the idea of both chambers, White House going to Democrats.

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CNBC – June 2020

What history can tell us about how stock markets react to civil unrest.

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Bloomberg – April 2020

What Johnson’s Hospitalization Means for U.K. Government.

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CNBC – March 2020

Coronavirus changes everything in 2020 election, analyst says.

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Bloomberg – March 2020

Avonhurst Advisory’s Tina Fordham on the effects of the coronavirus.

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Bloomberg – March 2020

Fordham: This Is Potentially More Significant Than 2008 (Audio).

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Barron’s – March 2022

Whether Russia Conquers Ukraine or Not, ‘We Are in a New Territory’

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City A.M – October 2020

Forget the conventional wisdom, all investors want from the US election is a return to stability.

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Financial Times – July 2020

Markets are right to be nervous about the US election.

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City A.M – March 2020

Coronavirus crisis wipes £59bn off FTSE 100.

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Financial Times – November 2017

Investors face political risk whoever wins in the US election

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Financial Times – April 2017

Geopolitical risks will cause markets to bend before they break.

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Financial Times – January 2016

Prepare for the Post Pax-Americana era, says Citi.

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Financial Times – December 2015

Looking into Citi’s crystal ball.

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Financial Times – May 2014

Fordham: Volatile public opinion – Vox Populi – is the new political risk.

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